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Mommy's Thoughts

Thank you for visiting mommy's page. These are my true feelings. How I am doing day to day. There will be days that I will write things that will have some of you asking 'how can she say that?' but all I ask you to do, is to remember that I am a mother who has buried her baby. I have layed my child in the ground. I am making it the best way I know how and, sometimes, I say things that are not socially accepted but they are real.  I hope that by being honest with others, we can accept who we are and help one another down this path of recovery.     -Sara

Mommy December 6, 2009

Today, I have spent all day with Madeline and Cadence, pretty much like every other day. They both have colds so they are a little whiny and they have snotty noses. I have loved being with them. I just keep thinking about Abigail and I wonder what she would be doing if she were here. I took a picture of Maddie and Cadie standing beside eachother holding their babies. There was a space between them and when I looked at the picture, I just imagined Abby standing between them with her baby. I just want so much to see them ALL playing together. I want to know how she would react to Cadie taking her toys away. I want to hear Maddie say "Abby- you wanna play this with me" like she does with Cadie. I can't wait until the day I get to see them all together again. The pain of going on without one of your babies is indescribable. I know I have Maddie and Cadie here on earth with me and I am so very thankful for them. They do help me get along each day. But it doesn't take away the pain that I feel when I think about not ever holding Abigail again. Abigail was her own special self just like Maddie and Cadie are and when I think about not ever holding my Abigail again, it hurts just as if she were my only child. It hurts. It hurts so bad.

But I will continue to go on because I have to. Not because I want to, but because I have to. Sometimes I really wish I didn't have to.

Mommy November 24, 2009
Missing You
image Tonight I am missing you. Not as if that is something different than any other night but I just have to say it. I miss you Abby. I miss your smile. The one when your eyes would disappear. I miss the way you laughed. I miss the way you would look up and kick your feet when you got so excited that you couldn't hold it all in. I miss the way you would roll over in your bed after I gave you your passy, how you would pull both hands up to your passy rag and then roll on your side and play with the strings. I miss the way you would look down over your chubby little cheeks to see your puzzles. I miss the sound of your voice. I miss the softness of your fat little arms. I miss the smell of your skin. I miss the feel of your hair. I miss the way you yelled 'backpack!, backpack! while watching Dora. I miss the sound you would make with your throat while you concentrated. I miss the way it felt to hold you in my arms. I miss feeling your head on my heart. I miss the way you looked at Maddie. I miss everything about you Abby. I miss you so much! I am counting down the days till I can see you again, until I can pick you up and sqeeze you and kiss your chubby cheeks. I know that day is coming but on nights like tonight, it doesn't seem soon enough.

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